Found fish bodies or other substances suspected to be related to illegal fishing practices 如果你发现可疑的鱼类尸体或其他与非法捕鱼有关的物件。
Chen qianning ' s attention also spans from ruins to dead fish bodies which has been shown in one of his recent oil paintings 程乾宁也不甘落后,对废墟的兴趣跳跃到对鱼的尸体的兴趣:在最近的一幅油画作品中,鱼的尸体占据了画面的主要部分。
This dissertation sets up the kinematics model on the basis of the biomimetic study of lunate - tail propulsion steady swimming fish and of the analysis of fish body motion and caudal fin motion 本文在综合国内外鱼类游动文献中的有关研究成果的基础上,分析了鱼类游动过程中鱼体和尾鳍运动,建立了月牙尾推进模式稳态游动的运动学模型。